The core philosophy that drives The Smart Reading Child Project is that children are the future leaders who must be prepared for such leadership right from their formative years. The progress of our human world is predicated on this premise, which is why we (parents and adults) once were children.

Everyone of us has certain regrets or even traumas about what would or should have been better done for us in our childhood. Eventhough we can correct some of the effects of childhood developmental deprivation -be it educational, nutritional, moral or emotional- we all probably agree that a better foundation in our formative years would have been the best our parents and teachers could have given to us.

Even more important than anything, we have the opportunity today to contribute to the laying of a sound foundation in the lives of our own children and children everywhere. From my own childhood and parenting experiences, I have come to see the measureless importance of grabbing such an opportunity to invest in children’s lives.

The objectives for the Smart Reading Child initiative can be summarised as follows:

  • To stimulate a consciousness in parents, guardians, carers and teachers about the invaluableness of inculcating reading enthusiasm in children.

  • To equip them with the strategies and tools for generating such enthusiasm in their children.

  • To link them up with resources and services that relate to the reading child philosophy.

  • To create and support a viral community of parents, guardians, carers and children who share the smart reading child philosophy.

  • To encourage parents and guardians to establish their core values as a way of guiding the educational and moral development of their children.

Rationale For This Project